Dr. David Muddiman
- 2023 Elected as an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow in Chemistry
- 2023 Donald F. Hunt Distinguished Contributions in Proteomics Award
United States Human Proteome Organization, presented at the National Meeting in Chicago, IL - 2017 Graduate School Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award
- 2017 The Analytical Scientist Award: DCM ranked #10 in Omics Explorers
- 2016-2018 Elected, President, United States Human Proteome Organization
- 2016 Graduate School Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award in the Mathematical, Physical Sciences, and Engineering
- 2015 Recipient of the Chemical Instrumentation Award, Division of Analytical Chemistry,
American Chemical Society - 2014 Named Jacob and Betty Belin Distinguished Professor,
North Carolina State University - 2013-2017 Elected, Treasurer, United States Human Proteome Organization
- 2013 Elected, Board of Directors, American Society for Mass Spectrometry
- 2012-2015 Re-elected, Board of Directors, United States Human Proteome Organization
- 2012 Named Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry,
North Carolina State University - 2011 New Jersey ACS MSDG Distinguished Lectureship Award
- 2010 Recipient of the 2010 Biemann Medal, American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Presented in Salt Lake City, Utah - 2010 Appointed Chair, 2011 United States Human Proteome Organization
Meeting held in Raleigh, North Carolina - 2009-2012 Elected, Board of Directors, United States Human Proteome Organization
- 2009 NCSU Alumni Association Outstanding Research Award
- 2006 Invited Member, National Cancer Policy Forum on Developing Biomarker-Based Tools for Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment: The State of the Science, Evaluation, Implementation, and Economics
Institute of Medicine, National Academies of Science - 2004 Arthur F. Findeis Award
American Chemical Society, presented at the National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA - 1999 American Society for Mass Spectrometry Research Award
Presented at the National Meeting in Dallas, TX - 1993-1994 British Petroleum Graduate Student Fellowship
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA - 1991 Safford Award for Excellence in Teaching
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Genna Andrews
- National Institutes of Health Molecular Biotechnology Graduate Student Fellowship
Dr. M. Caleb Bagley
- North Carolina State University Graduate Research Fellowship (2017-2018)
- Excellence in Communicating Broader Impact Research Award (2018)
- National Institutes of Health Molecular Biotechnology Graduate Student Fellowship (2018-2020)
- Senior Graduate Chemical Biology Poster Award (2019)
- Glaxo Fellowship Recipient (2021)
Dr. Hongxia (Hellena) Bai
- IMSS Award for “Best New Application of IMS” (2021)
- Graduate Student Travel Award ASMS (2022)
- NC State Graduate Student Association Award, Arthur B. Moss International Grant (2022)
- TAMS 1st Annual Student Symposium Travel Award (2022)
Dr. Michael S. Bereman
- GlaxoSmithKline PreDoctoral Fellowship
Ms. Emily R. Bruce
- Charles G. Moreland Graduate Award (2024)
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry Poster Award – Honorable Mention (2024)
- FACSS Poster Award – 2nd Place (2024)
- Department of Education Graduate Area of National Need in Molecular Biotechnology Fellowship (2025-2027)
Dr. Timothy S. Collier
- National Institutes of Health Molecular Biotechnology Graduate Student Fellowship
- Dennis Wertz Award for Excellence in Teaching (2007)
Ms. Olivia Dioli
- EAS Undergraduate Student Research Award (2022)
- ASMS Undergraduate Student Travel Award (2023)
- ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry (2023)
- North Carolina State University Honors Thesis Award (2023)
- North Carolina State University Outstanding Scholarship in Chemistry (2023)
- ASMS Undergraduate Poster Award (2023)
Dr. Måns Ekelöf
- GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship
Mr. Seth Eisenberg
- National Institutes of Health Molecular Biotechnology Graduate Student Fellowship (2023-2025)
- The Wolfpack Interdisciplinary Research Award, NC State Department of Chemistry (2024)
- Bradford and Carol Burns Graduate Education Endowment Award (2024)
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry Poster Award – 3rd Place (2024)
- FACSS Poster Award – Honorable Mention (2024)
Ms. Laura T. George
- David F. Ingrahm Scholarship (2001-2002)
Dr. Adam M. Hawkridge
- National Institutes of Health K25 Career Award
Dr. Elizabeth Hecht
- National Institutes of Health Molecular Biotechnology Graduate Student Fellowship (2014-2016)
- North Carolina State University Graduate Research Fellowship (2011-2012)
Ms. Sierra N. Hunter
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry Poster Award – Honorable Mention (2024)
Ms. Alena N. Joignant
- National Institutes of Health Molecular Biotechnology Graduate Student Fellowship (2022-2024)
- Bradford and Carol Burns Graduate Education Endowment Award (2024)
Dr. Jackie Gowen Kalmar
- Bereman Teaching Award (2019)
Dr. Sitora Khodjaniyazova
- Poster Award at 130th Celebration for the Department of Chemistry (2019)
Dr. Kevan Knizner
- The Excellence in Innovation Award Junior Graduate, NC State Department of Chemistry (2022)
- EAS Graduate Student Research Award (2022)
- Outstanding Senior Graduate Research Poster in the Bioanalytical/Biophysical Division, NC State Department of Chemistry (2023)
- Chemistry Graduate Student Association Award for Excellence in Communication, NC State Department of Chemistry (2023)
- NC State Graduate Student Association Award for Conferences (2023)
Dr. Philip Loziuk
- National Institutes of Health Molecular Biotechnology Graduate Student Fellowship (2013-2015)
- Molecular Biotechnology Training Program Symposium Poster Session 1st Place Award (2014)
Dr. James P McCord
- Department of Education Graduate Area of National Need in Molecular Biotechnology Fellowship (2015-2017)
Dr. Allyson Mellinger
- Graduate Student Poster Award, NC-ACS Local Section Meeting (2019)
- Young Investigator Travel Grant for MSACL (2019)
- Graduate Student Travel Award for ASMS (2020)
- North Carolina State University GAANN Molecular Biotechnology Fellowship (2021)
- US HUPO Travel Award (2022)
- The Excellence in Innovation Award Senior Graduate, NC State Department of Chemistry (2022)
- NC State Graduate Student Association Award for Conferences (2022)
Mr. Russell Kibbe
- NC State Graduate Student Association Award for Conferences (2023)
- USDA-ARS AI Center of Excellence/SCINet Graduate Student Intern Program (2024)
- Kenneth W. and Jane A. Hanck Chemistry Graduate Student Endowment Award (2024)
Quinn Mills
- The Excellence in Innovation Award Junior Graduate, NC State Department of Chemistry (2024)
Dr. Crystal L. Pace
- Young Investigator Travel Grant for MSACL (2020)
- North Carolina Local American Chemical Society Chapter Virtual Poster Award (2020)
- Eastern Analytical Symposium Graduate Research Award (2021)
- ASMS Graduate Student Travel Award (2021)
Ms. Tana Palomino
- Eastern Analytical Symposium Graduate Research Award (2024)
- Outstanding Junior Graduate Research Poster in the Bioanalytical/Biophysical Division, NC State Department of Chemistry (2023)
Dr. Chris Shuford
- National Institutes of Health Molecular Biotechnology Graduate Student Fellowship
- North Carolina State University Alumni Association Fellowship
Ms. Diana Saggese
- North Carolina State University Undergraduate Research Award (2006-2007)
Dr. Alexandria L. Sohn
- Best Oral Presentation in Session “AI for Sensing and Diagnosis” at the Big Data Health Science Conference (2023)
- TAMS 3rd Annual Student Symposium Travel Award (2024)
- GSA Travel Assistance Award (2024)
Ms. Kristina Toups
- PLU Undergraduate Research Excellence Award (2007)
Ms. Mary F. Wang
- The Award for Exceptional Scholarship in Chemical Research, NC State Department of Chemistry (2024)
Dr. Dennis Keith Williams
- ACS-DAC Graduate Student Fellow
Dr. Taufika I. Williams
- NCBC/Kenan Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Ying Xi
- TAMS 2nd Annual Student Symposium Travel Award (2023)
- NC State Graduate Student Association Award for Conferences (2023)